Data Acquisition System for spectroscopy SpectraDAS

SpectraDAS is a high performance three-channel Data Acquisition System for spectroscopy. All single-element detectors, manufactured by SOL instruments or by third-parties, with DC voltage output as well as photon counting detectors, are fully compatible with the SpectraDAS acquisition system.

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SpectraDAS – three-channel spectroscopy acquisition system

The SpectraDAS has two independent analogue measuring channels with 16 bit ADC in each channel and one digital measuring channel for counting of pulses going from registration modules in photon-counting mode.

The SpectraDAS has been developed for the integrated operation with the powerful software SpectraSP for data acquisition and analysis. Software SpectraSP includes full range of control modes which are required for creation of complete spectroscopy systems based on the wide variety of spectral instruments and accessories manufactured by SOL instruments.

Each SpectraDAS analog channel measures voltage from any single-channel detectors including solid state detectors and PMT, equipped with preamplifiers. Input voltage range is from 0 to 2 V positive or negative polarity (software selectable) in the frequency range from 0 to 10 kHz. Each channel uses a 16-bit ADC with acquire data at up to 100,000 measurements per second.

There are overvoltage protection functions, programmed input offset correction (in the range from 0 to ± 0.2 V), software switchable amplifiers (1/10 scale), and also the operational PMT output current monitoring (to switch off the PMT supply voltage to avert the PMT photocathode from excessive light) in both analogue input channels.

The SpectraDAS digital channel measures an amount of output pulses from a detector (PMT or avalanche photodiode) operating in the photon counting mode. The photon counting channel is used to ensure high sensitivity and high accuracy of spectral measurements. A Photon counting approach is one of the most effective and widely demanded method of PMT measuring a very low-level optical signal. The detectors used must include an internal amplifier/discriminator and provide an output pulse amplitude of 2.2 ÷ 3.3 V with loads of 50 Ohm. The digital channel provides the temporal resolution of pairs of pulses up to 20 ns or a continuous frequency input up to 200 MHz. In addition, the digital measuring channel has a PMT overexposure protection function. The SpectraDAS switches off the PMT supply voltage to avert the PMT from excessive light. The SpectraDAS has a buffer for storing results of up to 5000 measurements.

The SpectraDAS has two independent 12-bit D/A converters to control the PMT power supply voltage in any SOL instruments detectors such as РТА-928, РТА-5108 or РТМ-14768. When using these sensors, it is possible a programmed control the detector sensitivity in a wide range by changing the PMT power supply voltage.

In addition, the SpectraDAS has two low-voltage power supplies to use them with PMT detectors or with the SDA-010 photodiode detector manufactured by SOL Instruments.

Specification of the spectroscopy acquisition system SpectraDAS

Number of measuring channels:two independent analog, one digital
Analog channels:
ADC resolution:16 bit
Input voltage range:0-0.2 V, 0-2 V
Input resistance:Either Positive or Negative (software configured)
Input resistance:100 kΩ
Overload input protection:active
Frequency band of the input signal:0 to 10 kHz
Input voltage offset:0 to ± 0.2 V, is set by the software
Amplification factor:1/10, software switched
PMT overload protection:hardware controlled
Digital channel (Photon Counting):
Min pulse duration:10 ns
Pulse pair resolution:20 ns
Input resistance:50 Ω
Voltage level of logical “1”:2.0 – 3.3 V
Voltage level of logical “0”:0 – 0.5 V
Continuous input frequency:up to 100 MHz
Internal data storage:up to 5000 data points
Time of measurement (accumulation):0.1 msec to 64 sec
Minimum step of measuring time:0.1 msec
Control of PMT High Voltage:
Number of outputs:2 independent
D/A-convert resolution:12 bit
Actual output control voltage:depends of PMT reference voltage, 5 V max
External detector power supply:
Number of connected detectors:2
Voltage:+15 V for each detector
Maximum current consumption:not more than 0.2 A for each detector
Communications:USB 2.0
Software:SpectraSP, for simultaneous control of the SpectraDAS system and the spectral device
Power supply:AC 100 – 240V, 50/60 Hz (7.2 W)
  • Number of measuring channels: two independent analog, one digital
  • Analog channels: ADC resolution = 16 bit; input voltage range = 0-0.2 V, 0-2 V; input resistance = either positive or negative (software configured); input resistance = 100 kΩ; overload input protection = active; frequency band of the input signal = 0 to 10 kHz; input voltage offset = 0 to ± 0.2 V, is set by the software; amplification factor = 1/10, software switched; PMT overload protection = hardware controlled

  • Digital channel (Photon Counting): min pulse duration = 10 ns; pulse pair resolution = 20 ns; input resistance = 50 Ω; voltage level of logical “1” = 2.0-3.3 V; voltage level of logical “0” = 0-0.5 V; continuous input frequency = up to 100 MHz

  • Internal data storage: up to 5000 data points
  • Time of measurement (accumulation): 0.1 msec to 64 sec
  • Minimum step of measuring time: 0.1 msec
  • Control of PMT High Voltage: number of outputs = 2 independent; D/A-convert resolution = 12 bit; actual output control voltage = depends of PMT reference voltage, 5 V maximum
  • External detector power supply: number of connected detectors = 2; voltage = +15 V for each detector; maximum current consumption = not more than 0.2 A for each detector

  • Synchronization input: pulse duration = not less than 1 μsec; input resistance = 1 kOhm; voltage level of logical “1” = 2.5 ÷ 5 V; voltage level of logical “0” = 0 ÷ 1 V; galvanic isolation = available
  • Communications: USB 2.0
  • Software: SpectraSP, for simultaneous control of the SpectraDAS system and the spectral device

  • Power supply: АС 100 240V, 50/60 Hz (7.2 W)

Application of the SpectraDAS system: an example of the spectra measurement setup

SpectraDAS: an example of the spectra measurement setup

Help & Support

If you have any questions regarding purchase or capabilities of the three-channel spectroscopy acquisition system SpectraDAS, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or our contact form. Please keep in mind that due to SOL instruments continual program of product improvement, the design and specifications of the SpectraDAS system may be subject to change.

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