Technical support specialists
Online support
When a personal meeting is difficult or impossible, the specialists of SOL instruments Ltd. can provide service support online.
The following online counseling options are available:
- through Skype
- through Viber
- through WhatsApp
- through WeChat
- through TeamViewer
Technical equipment required for online consulting through the following applications: Skype / Viber / WhatsApp / WeChat:
- computer / laptop / netbook / mobile phone;
- Internet connection;
- microphone;
- speakers;
- it is also necessary to install the program Skype / Viber / WhatsApp / WeChat, and to register with the assignment of a login to contact our specialist.
Technical equipment required for online consulting through TeamViewer:
- computer / laptop / netbook / mobile phone;
- Internet connection;
- it is necessary to install the program TeamViewer, and to tell our specialist the proposed ID and password to connect to your computer.
Contact us to register for online consultation:

SOL instruments software: NanoSP, SpectraSP and ATILLA. The NanoSP complex is designed to acquire and process spectral data when working with microscopes of the Confotec series. The SpectraSP system is developed to manage spectroscopic measurements and data processing when operating all SOL instruments spectral devices. And also ATILLA – a software tool for working with the LEA-S500 laser elemental analyzer.
- Support: scanning confocal Raman microscopes-spectrometers of the Confotec series
- Control of all automated units and modules of the Confotec series microscopes
- Acquiring one-dimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional maps of the sample
- Automated spectral calibration with a built-in light source: the best wavelength accuracy
- Processing and analysis of images and spectra
- Section view and 3D visualization
- Linking to the Raman spectral databases
- Support: the whole range of spectral devices produced by SOL instruments company
- Experiment automation
- Different types of spectral measurements
- Real time measurement of spectral peak parameters (intensity, position, width)
- Ultra-accurate wavelength calibration
- Scanning of the panoramic spectrum in a predetermined spectral range
- Background correction, intensity normalization, as well as defect pixel correction